Oct 26, 2021

3 Emerging Home Design Trends

There are several factors to consider when designing your dream home, from layout and furnishings, to function and permitting. With the help of industry professionals and an experienced builder, you can design a home that mirrors both your aesthetic and lifestyle preferences.

Tried and true designs often help guide the decisions that homeowners will have to make, but they are also frequently influenced by the current home design trends.

3 Home Design Trends on The Rise

While it is not always the best idea to design an overly trendy home with a swanky tile pattern or the current popular color cabinetry, current home design trends can often become evergreen, such as the highly coveted kitchen island.

The key is to determine which current home design trends will retain their value and function over time. The following are three emerging home design trends that we imagine will be staying around for a while.

#1: Dedicated Activity Spaces

Your home is your sanctuary, your safe haven, your space where you should be able to do pretty much anything you desire, from relaxing by yourself to entertaining guests. And home renovations geared toward designing for everything you could possibly need at home has only been heightened recently.

Whether you are renovating or building your home from the ground up, be sure that your floor plan includes dedicated activity spaces for whatever your family may need, such as a gym, bar, theater, office, game room, etc.

#2: Flexible Furnishing Designs

We have had to learn how to be more flexible and how to create more flexibility within dedicated home spaces, and your furnishings can help to do just that. Strategically selecting furnishings that provide ample flexibility is the perfect complement to your home’s architectural design because it fosters multi-functional spaces.

Flexible furnishing designs can be as simple as opting for a swivel chair so you, or your guests, can rotate and view any part of the room or home to feel as though they are a part of a different space. Or, choose four square tables to create one large coffee table that can be separated to serve as individual tables for each guest you may be entertaining.

#3: Backyard Pools & Water Features

Residing in Vero Beach is a luxury in itself, with our gorgeous coastline views. However, unless your property is on the water, you don’t always have a quick way to enjoy the water.

Installing a pool or water feature in your backyard automatically boosts your home’s value and gives you the option to enjoy refreshing fun in the sun or under the moon.

Creating These Home Design Trends

Whether you choose to install a water feature or create dedicated spaces in your home, you should consult with an industry professional who can help you acquire the necessary permits and design the home of your dreams.

At Ryan A. Jones & Associates, we understand how important your home is to you. Our expertise as builders and renovators of luxury homes provides you with the services and knowledge necessary for the successful planning, designing, permitting, construction, and ongoing estate management of your home.

We look forward to capturing and interpreting your unique vision. Contact us today for a consultation!